Its an age old issue with a lot of people screaming about it and Media yelling about it.
Only because we almost see it everyday in one form or the other.
I myself have had close encounters with people rushing their bike or car almost into my gut on my way to the insti.
Yesterday an interesting incident took place on my way to the dairy{MOTHER DAIRY!}
My parents sent me to the dairy for - you know what ! . The blazing sun roasted my head and the queue almost made me lose my temper. Then at last i managed to buy milk.
when turned back I saw a speeding scooter(Ya the chetak one) with a grey beard loon and a child on it and a car(Accent) driving in the same lane .
And in the next instant
the scooter collided ..... Car's window crashed ....Blood spill..... child alright! ... loon injured ......
still conscious ..... car driver Fu*ked up....
The car driver ( a youngster) unlike all others just stopped and got out of the car , he was very much horrified by what had happened and looked like a chicken about to be slaughtered.
Typically Indian style , a crowd emerged rather a dense crowd. Someone called the youngsters names while some called the loon names , very few sensible ones suggested taking the loon to the doctor and all the others watched the scene in a content with a peace of satisfaction upon each face.
Some other Geniuses took benefit of the crowd and asked them to help push their vehicle as its Self start was not working..
And The loon made the youngster piss.. he took the loon to the hospital i guess as he had already sat in the car and by then i also walked away.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Amidst the March's Commotion

Well the first exam was the mind wrecking Social Science memorizing 24 lessons in even 2 days time is a nightmare. But the nightmare came true for me and sleeping for less than 5 hours i woke up again at 4:30 AM(sharp!). The paper was not as frightening but one question which i had not prepared came . i had a really bad tackling it.
Next was Maths , i still remember how i wasted nearly 7 out of the 10 day leave by sleeping and loitering around the colony mindlessly. Actually i started studying the 2 days before.
As expected the maths exam too went like a breeze .
i wasted a fortune of hours and days . I used to start studying just the day before . The day before i used to have goosebumps for all the day round
Hindi and English also went but the Science kicked my ass.(badly)
We got 4 leaves in between . But i wasted the starting two leaves in my ignorance, as i had done earlier in all my papers.(Ignorance is Bliss).
But the last two days i had a horrific experience i forgot by Bio(logy) Chapters even after memorizing twice and could spare only a minimum of 4 to 6 hours to Chemistry and physics .
But the paper was a mixed bag full of surprises. With a few twisted questions i found the paper (and the Set III ) difficult.
Probably it was because of some chemical locha in my mind which one of my comrades had injected into my mind and got strengthened with that maths MISHAP( the wrong construction question)
Somehow with guesses and tukkas i sailed through it .
Next was the Practical .. dont ask how.. !!
Alas! we're free!!!
But i have one grudge ... they ate away the whole month.
We got 4 leaves in between . But i wasted the starting two leaves in my ignorance, as i had done earlier in all my papers.(Ignorance is Bliss).
But the last two days i had a horrific experience i forgot by Bio(logy) Chapters even after memorizing twice and could spare only a minimum of 4 to 6 hours to Chemistry and physics .
But the paper was a mixed bag full of surprises. With a few twisted questions i found the paper (and the Set III ) difficult.
Probably it was because of some chemical locha in my mind which one of my comrades had injected into my mind and got strengthened with that maths MISHAP( the wrong construction question)
Somehow with guesses and tukkas i sailed through it .
Next was the Practical .. dont ask how.. !!
Alas! we're free!!!
But i have one grudge ... they ate away the whole month.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
A Visit to the BARBER

The canopy of hair was dear to me and in my thoughts I thought of my rock idols. But every change meets a reaction whether positive or negative. This time it was negative. @#$%
Everyone saw me through evil eyes for my grown hairs. But I braved through the resistance and defied the parents . But the joy of overriding the requests of my parents and dreams were short lived and soon shattered into a million pieces.
Well when i reached the local Saloon , it was an altogether a new scene.
A drunk man had found its way to the saloon . The scene barbers were at their best servile and Submissive lest they should get a nice thrashing.
Well all the barbers the juniors as well as the seniors were enjoying the scene giggling quietly .
The man fortunately had a nephew with him whom he frequently taunted and called a few names.The man kept the barbers busy and made the Saloon richer by a atleast a 1000 bucks( wild estimate).
The man kept saying "Kartar Singh jo Bole hai woh duniya kare hai" !!
(What Kartar Singh says the world does)Huh!
(What Kartar Singh says the world does)Huh!
He even kept scolding his nephew "Jab kisi aadmi ne sharab pee rakhi ho to usse Badtamaeezi nahin karte" . (don't misbehave with a drunken person) really!
The pestered and tortured barbers kept cursing him and it took them about half an hour to give me a cut. While a sported a trendy "V" and Spikes my mind was still preoccupied with the incident. the barbers kept on disscussing about the man and made wild links about caste and behaviour .sigh
Well watch this Video, really funny!
Sunday, February 8, 2009

Well Iron Maiden is on a World tour and They won't visit Delhi !
February 2009
10th - Serbia - Belgrade (tickets on sale)
13th - UAE -Dubai (tickets on sale)
15th - India - Bangalore (tickets on sale)
20th - New Zealand - Auckland (tickets on sale)
22nd - New Zealand - Christchurch (tickets on sale)
25th - Mexico - Monterrey (tickets on sale)
26th - Mexico - Guadalajara (tickets on sale)
28th - Mexico - Mexico City (tickets on sale)
March 2009
3rd - Costa Rica - Alajuela (tickets on sale)
5th - Venezuela - Caracas (tickets on sale)
7th - Colombia - Bogota (tickets on sale)
10th - Ecuador - Quito (tickets on sale)
12th - Brazil - Manaus (tickets on sale)
14th - Brazil - Rio De Janeiro (tickets on sale)
15th - Brazil - Sao Paulo (tickets on sale)
18th - Brazil - Belo Horizonte (tickets on sale Feb 9th)
20th - Brazil - Brasilia (tickets on sale)
22nd - Chile - Santiago (tickets on sale)
26th - Peru - Lima (tickets on sale)
28th - Argentina - Quilmes Rock Festival (tickets)
31st - Brazil - Recife (tickets on sale)
The anxious eyes must have noted that Mexico and Brazil have the most number of the performances
Just to inform the SOMEWHERE BACK IN TIME WORLD TOUR 2008 (last year) started in Mumbai . the manager of the band doesn't even care to organize one in the capital of the country
Why?? We don't have Iron Maiden fans in Delhi??
Really sad.... I console my fellow Iron Maiden fans
They will surely visit Delhi some day.
The band will be performing day after tommorrow In Bangalore .
This is an irrelevant Video but worth a watch .. and the flight 666 will start a new post all together so .. bye and
Rock on \m/....
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Finally someone is here to listen to the million voices for open source in India "The Mozilla Camp Delhi", scheduled for Feb 10, 2009 in New Delhi It is the first ever Mozilla Firefox Unconference in India. On February 10th, 2009 Two Mozilla stalwarts Seth Bindernagel and Arun Ranganathan will be joining the open source community in New Delhi and discussing the Mozilla initiative to a better web through open source.
Big names in the media like IBN and NDTV are the TV media partners.
Having earned itself a nice reputation as a replacement for Internet Explorer , this "Unconference " will definitely boost the Mozilla user base and will popularize open-source cult in
There a re a bunch of thingsyou can also do on your part to be a part of the camp.
Things To Do. Can You Help?
Please add any other tasks that needs to be done. If you want to pick up a task (we love you!), please put your name and phone number next to it.
Design a poster. - Yadu Rajiv- Bulk Poster/Banners Printing.
Tshirt Printing.- Design an Animated Presentation.
- Design a Flash,for MozillaCampDelhi
Tidy up this wiki.- MohakWe need a nice tag line. - Taking Back the web,one user at a time (Mozilla's tagline)- Find venue and
freeze the date. - 10th February,2009 - Find sponsors for food and snacks.
- Design a backdrop
- Prepare a press release
- Podcast being available.
Design small web buttons for blogs that says 'I'm speaking at MozillaCamp' and 'I'm attending MozillaCamp'- Yadu RajivDesign a laptop sticker. - Yadu RajivGet Wifi at venue. - MTNLSend mailers to Barcamp, OCC, and other mailing lists.-KinshukAdd the event to main page schedule- Mohak- Hire caterer. Fix menu.
Please bring your digital cameras. It will be good to take lots of snaps. - Deepankar,SrajanLive Video Recording,with Tripod Stand.- Kinshuk- Getting Standees (5-10).
- Add directions to the venue.
- Add info about parking
- Add sponsorship details.
- Buy colourful post-it notes.
Arrange for projectors. - Mohak- Must arrange for a Mic and Amplifiers.
- Arrange for a raised platform for the speaker so that he is seen by everyone.
Create a hashtag for Twitter #mozcampdel. - KinshukPublicity in GGSIPU During Anugoonj(Annual Cultural-Technical Festival). Gaurav PaliwalOnline PPC based Event Promotion Campaign.Ankit (Ready, Starts as soon as Venue gets finalized)
For more Info Google it or
just leap here
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Jackson Pollock

"Jackson Pollock" . The doodle is as much self explanatory and a 'careful' gazing will reveal the word "Google".
About the painter read the following and you may have an idea about him
“ | A dripping wet canvas covered the entire floor. . . . There was complete silence. . . . Pollock looked at the painting. Then, unexpectedly, he picked up can and paint brush and started to move around the canvas. It was as if he suddenly realized the painting was not finished. His movements, slow at first, gradually became faster and more dance like as he flung black, white, and rust colored paint onto the canvas. He completely forgot that Lee and I were there; he did not seem to hear the click of the camera shutter. . . My photography session lasted as long as he kept painting, perhaps half an hour. In all that time, Pollock did not stop. How could one keep up this level of activity? Finally, he said 'This is it.' | ” |
“ | Pollock’s finest paintings… reveal that his all-over line does not give rise to positive or negative areas: we are not made to feel that one part of the canvas demands to be read as figure, whether abstract or representational, against another part of the canvas read as ground. There is not inside or outside to Pollock’s line or the space through which it moves…. Pollock has managed to free line not only from its function of representing objects in the world, but also from its task of describing or bounding shapes or figures, whether abstract or representational, on the surface of the canvas.(Karmel 132) |
Here are some paintings of the artist
An eye soother

The Artist at work

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